The Rutgers Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (RAD) Collaboratory

Scholarly Community Affiliates

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Staff Directory Listing

Mark Aakhus

Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Communication

School of Communication and Information

Clinton J. Andrews

Distinguished Professor of Urban Planning

Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy

Yannis Androulakis


Biomedical Engineering; Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, School of Engineering

Ezzat Aziz

Assistant Professor

Industrial & Systems Engineering, School of Engineering

Waheed Bajwa


Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering

Jean Baum

Distinguished Professor

Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Arts and Sciences

Sheila Borges Rajguru

STEM Education Researcher

Rutgers–New Brunswick

Alyson Brooks

Associate Professor

Physics and Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences

Stephen Burley

University Professor and Henry Rutgers Chair

Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Arts and Sciences

Wendie Cohick

Dean of Research and Graduate Education

School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Enrique Curchitser


Environmental Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Kristen Dana


Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering

Thomas Davidson

Assistant Professor

Sociology, School of Arts and Sciences

Meenakshi Dutt

Associate Professor

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, School of Engineering

Jacob Feldman


Psychology, Center for Cognitive Science, School of Arts and Sciences

Kiran Garimella

Assistant professor

Library and Information Science, School of Communication and Information

Janice Gobert


Education Psychology, Graduate School of Education

Lauren Goodlad

Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature

English, School of Arts and Sciences

Adam Gormley

Associate Professor

Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering

Yuebin Guo

Henry Rutgers Distinguished Professor of Advanced Manufacturing

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering

Ronald Hart


Cell Biology & Neuroscience, School of Arts and Sciences

Denise Hien

Helen E. Chaney Endowed Chair in Alcohol Studies, Distinguished Professor

Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

Avram Holmes

Associate Professor

Psychiatry, RWJMS

Kenneth Irvine

Distinguished Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry; Interim Director, Waksman Institute

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Waksman Institute and School of Arts and Sciences

Shantenu Jha


Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering

Woojin Jung

Assistant Professor

School of Social Work

Jason Kaelber

Associate Research Professor

Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine

Bob Kopp

Distinguished Professor

Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences

Helen Liu

Associate Professor

Labor Studies and Employment Relations, Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor Relations

Julie Lockwood

Director, Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute

Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute

Dimitris Metaxas

Board of Governors Professor

Computer Science, School of Arts and Sciences

Alexandre Morozov


Physics & Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences

Thu Nugyen

Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Professor of Computer Science

Computer Science, School of Arts and Sciences

Lia Nower Bitmoji

Associate Dean for Research; Distinguished Professor; Director, Center for Gambling Studies (CGS)

Center for Gambling Studies (CGS), School of Social Work

Katya Ognyanova

Associate Professor

Communication, School of Communication & Information

Linden Parks

Assistant Professor

Psychiatry, RWJMS/BHI

David Pennock

Director, DIMACS, and Professor, Department of Computer Science

Computer Science, School of Arts and Sciences

Fred Roberts

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Director of CCICADA Center

Mathematics, School of Arts and Sciences

Jim Samuel

Associate Professor of Practice; Executive Director, Master of Public Informatics

Public Informatics, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy

Oscar Schofield

Distinguished Professor

Marine and Coastal Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

David Shih


Physics & Astronomy, New High Energy Theory Center

Ryan Sills

Assistant Professor

Materials Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Jaideep Vaidya

Distinguished Professor

Management Science and Information Systems, Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick

Lu Wang

Associate Professor

Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Arts and Sciences

Matthew Weber


Communication, School of Communication and Information

John Wilkin


Marine and Coastal Sciences, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Zhao Zhang

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering