The Rutgers Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (RAD) Collaboratory
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  • Climate, Energy and AI Convergence Café

Climate, Energy and AI Convergence Café


April 3
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute is hosting a Convergence Cafe on Thursday, April 3 at 10am – 2pm.

This Convergence Café looks to bring together RCEI affiliate scholars and other full-time Rutgers faculty and staff (or a representative from their lab) to mobilize interdisciplinary teams focused on the intersection of AI/ML and the RCEI Focus Areas.

This event is for you if you are:

  • Interested in learning how other Rutgers scholars incorporate AI/ML into their work.
  • Searching for a collaborator to team with for research funding.
  • Looking to increase your chances of success within highly competitive programs.
  • In need of planning funds to get your project off the ground.

This Convergence Café will consist of plenary talks, lightning talks associated with common methodology themes (data processing, pattern recognition, process optimization/automation, object detection/classification, projection/prediction models), and networking sessions centered on various methodology and broader themes (e.g., renewable energy, Earth observations, responsible and sustainable AI) within the nexus of Climate, Energy and AI.

More information here. Register here.